Thursday, June 19, 2008

Week#4, Thing 9 -- Favorite Feed

Too much, too many, of everything! I found this particular assignment overwhelming and mentally draining. There is so much information out there that I cannot seem to assimilate it. Obviously I am an immigrant and not a native to technology like today's student -- they seem to thrive on having so many options or they know how to pick and choose what they want more easily. I did find one particular link that I really liked:, which contains information in video format about several web 2.o technology, but also contain information about Medicine 2.0 tools that I think would help students studying biology or human anatomy. I watched all the video on the initial page and found them to be short, easy to understanding, and would help anyone with understanding the basics of a wiki, twitter, podcasting, blogs, etc. I think that finding feeds is a marvelous tool, but feel each person should limit themselves to the feeds that meet their needs and not attempt to keep up with too many. It is like the world of blogging is a game and everybody wants to outdo others -- I much prefer a bit of quiet and less competition in my life.


Katie said...
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Katie said...

Well, that was interesting. I now know that editing one's comments isn't a subtle procedure.

Anyhow....Yes, it can all be overwhelming and you are onto something with the concept of limiting the feeds. Another student in the class has suggested that it might take a little while to figure out which feeds are really worth hanging onto. She said her reader would be evolving for a little while until she figured it out.

In some cases the feeds might be for an ongoing research project. We had an incident with MRSA in our district and the head nurse was looking for information so I have a feed for that purpose.

Imagine how useful this tool will be for the next generation with the explosion of information they have to face. Of course something even more efficient is probably just on the horizon.